Which of the following best describes your body frame?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your body temperature?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your skin type?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your digestion?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your hair type?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your sleep?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your personality?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your reaction to stress?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your appetite?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Which of the following best describes your memory?
(Tick the option that sounds most like you)
Discover Your Ayurveda Body Type!
Pitta Results
Kapha Results